A Fragrant Garden: The Magic Of Roses

A Rose Garden

When we think of roses, automatically feeling of love, beauty, softness, relaxation, etc pop up in our mind. This is the charisma of the king of the flowers “Rose”. Rose is the most loved flower as when people love someone they communicate that love by giving them a rose.

Rose Gardens has its own beauty which automatically dilates the size of the pupil. It is a very disciplined and important job to maintain a rose garden, as its charisma and beauty stay there forever.

Maintaining The Roses

Rose Plants can be found in almost every household. The impressive thing about roses is that they can be grown through seeds and cuttings. But the problem arises when the flowers don’t bloom out or the rose plant doesn’t grow up. Though in the starting flowers grow in abundance, but after some time the growth decreases. It is said that roses require less care in comparison to other flower plants but a base level of care is necessary.

To spread the magic of the roses in the garden it is important to nourish them with quality nutrients that they require for their fair growth. There are many factors on which the proper growth of roses is dependent. Let us discuss some points about how to take care of the roses to have healthy growth.

  • Roses Need Extra Water

Rose comparatively(from other plants) needs more water for quality growth. The roots of roses are thick which is why they need more water to have healthy growth. One should keep this thing in mind while watering the rose plant, water should be poured directly into the soil, and do not wet the leaves otherwise they will acquire mold over them. In winter the rate of watering has to be slowed from once a day to once in 2 to 3 days. And watering in rose plants is needed when the upper layer of the soil gets dried up. The time for watering a rose plant is either in the morning or in the evening.

  • Appropriate Sunlight is a Must for Roses

6 to 8 hours of natural sunlight is necessary for quality growth in Rose Plants. Insufficient sunlight will leave a yellowish spot on the leaves and it will result in withering of the plant. Place the plant pot in such a way so that it can get sufficient sunlight. Hybrid rose plants also need sunlight but on summer days they have to be kept in shelter.

  • Harvesting and Pruning is Also Needed

Harvesting and pruning of plants makes them more attractive. Doing this will improve the growth of the plants,  new leaves and branches will grow effectively and the number of rose plants can also increase. At the time of pruning leaves, branches, or twigs that are suffered with diseases must be cut off. This will prevent the plant from future damage. Harvesting and Pruning must be done from time to time which will also prevent the plants from getting affected by insects and they will not get sick.

  • Save Them From Winter

Change the location of rose plants in winter to protect them from extreme cold. If the plant is in pot, then put the flower pot on the side of the window so that extreme wind doesn’t harm them and they can get proper sunlight. If this arrangement is somehow not possible then the plant can be saved from winter winds by using plastic cover over it.

  • Save Them From Diseases

The rose plants are infested by the fungus, beetle, spider, and black spot. To control insects use 3.0 ml Neem oil and to avoid diseases, sprinkle 5.0 grams of Trichoderma or Gomutra 3.0 ml by mixing it in one litre of water.

  • Soil in the Pot should have sufficient Humidity

It is important to maintain the humidity in the soil. To do so, the soil of the rose plant should be covered with wet grass or straw of wheat, or maize during the time of its growth (rose plant).

  • Manure Can Also Play an Important Role

Roses require large amounts of nutrients. After regular application of fertilizer, the growth of the plant will be faster. Use the manure in the rose plant for at least three times a year. You can keep the plant green by adding cow dung manure. This will protect the plant from insects. Apply cow-dung manure once a month, 2-3 handfuls per plant or pot. After this, when the flowers start blooming in the plant, then it is good to give more manure and fertilizer. Vermicompost is necessary for the growth of plants, apply 2 handfuls of it evenly on the surface of the soil, and add 1 handful of mustard cake and 1 handful of neem cake. At the time of flowering, give a bone meal, 10 grams per plant. Phosphorus is found in large quantities in it, along with nutrients like nitrogen, calcium, etc. are also found in it. Manure makes the soil more fertile which is why plant soil needs manure.


Now we have covered a lot about how can we take care of or maintain a rose plant carefully. Let us discuss what we have learned. We have learned that rose plants are thirsty for water and need extra when compared to other flower plants. In addition to water, they must get appropriate sunlight according to the season. Appropriate humidity must be maintained for best growth. Roses plants need to be saved from winter and insects. Harvesting and pruning are done to improve the quality and for increasing the yield. In the end usage of the manure is the best thing one can do for rose plants.

Hope you have learned a lot by reading this blog and you will take better care of your rose plant (if you have one).

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